Os museus mais inovadores do mundo para aprender e se divertir - Chiquedemaiss

The most innovative museums in the world to learn and have fun

Discover the most innovative museums around the world that change the way we visit a museum


Museums around the world use different technologies to attract visitors and immerse them in the narrative of their works. Today's most innovative museums are spaces that are being approached in a technological and immersive way, which at the same time instigate and entertain the viewer.

Throughout history, museums have changed their meaning and have been transformed, and in each era this cultural space has been used for different purposes. In Ancient Greece, for example, museums were spaces dedicated to contemplation and study, while, over time, these spaces began to be a place for the preservation of culture and science.


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Have you ever visited an interactive museum?

Currently, more and more museums are appearing with more interactive attractions, which invite people to take interesting tours in their leisure time, and also increase knowledge of an area. In other words, a perfect combination of fun and learning.


Digital technologies help the public see works in 3D, showing new angles of an object that previously could only be seen in a limited way, but leaving it protected from human touch. Online visits are also being used in some museums for those who do not have the option of visiting in person, allowing you to have a huge collection of works available with just one device connected to the internet.

1. Museum of Tomorrow

museus mais inovadores museu do amanhã

Image: https://museudoamanha.org.br/

Located at Píer Mauá, in the center of the capital of Rio de Janeiro, this museum is a perfect example of innovation and technology. The works are presented in the form of games, with videos, sounds and installations, as well as structures designed to provide great interaction with the public.

The Museum of Tomorrow was opened in 2015 and is internationally recognized for its integration of historical collections and digital technologies. In his work “Amazônia”, by Sebastião Salgado, the visitor can feel immersed in the region through sounds and videos, bringing a rich and vivid sensorial experience.

Its objective is to make the public reflect on a more sustainable and social future, bringing a narrative about how we can live and shape the next 50 years. His definition of “Tomorrow” is not a date on the calendar, but rather the place where the human species is heading, built from the participation of everyone.

Access the museum's official website here..

2. NEMO Science Museum

museus mais inovadores NEMO

Image: https://www.nemosciencemuseum.nl/en/

NEMO is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and was opened in 1997. The museum has five floors and is the largest scientific center in the country, including its postcard. Even its building, designed by architect Penzo Piano, has an unusual shape: a ship that appears to be sailing on the sea.

Next to it, there is a replica of a historic boat, which shows what life was like for the sailors of the East India Company, immersing the public in their lives and stories. Inside the museum, the works stimulate the senses with sounds, videos, workshops, and immersive and dynamic exhibitions. The exhibitions are for people of all ages and, even though many of them are aimed at children, everyone has fun.

The museum's collection has around 17 thousand historical artifacts that narrate the interaction of humanity and energy, as well as interconnected themes. Its objective is to explain concepts of energy, mechatronics and chemistry in general, mainly to young people, who can carry out their own physical and chemical experiments in specific wards.

Access the museum's official website here..

3. Portuguese Language Museum

museu da língua portuguesa

Image: https://www.museudalinguaportuguesa.org.br/

At the Portuguese Language Museum, the unusual theme is the Portuguese Language itself, which makes it one of the most innovative museums in the world. The works play with language, for example, by transforming poems into rap or using crossword puzzles for visitors to fill out themselves.

With the vision that language is what makes us human, the museum aims to recreate the intangible universe of language and value its diversity. It does this through interactive attractions that use sounds, screens of varying sizes, lenses and projectors.

Opened in the city of São Paulo in 2006, it was forced to close its doors in 2015 due to a fire. In 2021, renovations were completed and the museum reopened to the public. Even with this incident, its most beloved attractions were preserved, albeit using new technologies.

Access the museum's official website here.

4. German Museum of Technology

museu alemão de tecnologia

Image: https://technikmuseum.berlin/en/

Opened in 1982 in Berlin, the German Museum of Technology is the oldest on our list. It has a large collection, full of different and always interesting topics, such as chemistry, engineering and photography. Because of this, it is considered one of the most innovative and renowned museums in the world.

Its extensive use of technology allows the viewer to feel immersed in the works, such as a navigation simulator that allows you to guide a ship to its port. In addition, it has many historical objects, such as the world's first computer, old cameras, televisions and camcorders, from the beginnings of technology, thus perfectly aligning the old and the new.

The place is great for a fun trip because, in addition to the museum itself, the institution also has a Scientific Center, Sugar Museum, a park with mills, and even a craft brewery.

Access the museum's official website here.

Ready to discover one of these innovative museums?

These museums may be very far from where you live, however, you can research their collections available online, or even research which are the most interesting and innovative museums in your city.

Places like the Louvre Museum, in Paris, the Metropolitan Museum, in New York, or even MASP, in São Paulo, offer online collections so you can embark on culture and art, virtually. This is a great way to enjoy leisure without having to queue or spend money, for those who cannot travel far just to visit a museum.

Photo of author

Sophia Silva

Sophia Silva is a writer who has been writing about technology for over 5 years. Currently, it tends to focus on cutting-edge and current technologies, both in the areas of software and hardware.

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