Melhores apps para simular harmonização facial: veja os principais

Apps to simulate facial harmonization: discover the 5 best

Discover the main apps to simulate facial harmonization and estimate results


Did you know that there are apps to simulate facial harmonization? They are incredible tools that allow you to predict the outcome of the procedure, having an estimate of the result.

If you still don't know about apps that simulate facial harmonization, you're in the right place! Here, you can find a list of 5 free apps that are easy to use. Discover and choose your favorites!


What is facial harmonization?

Before getting to know the applications, it is important to know what facial harmonization is. It is a set of aesthetic procedures that aim to ensure facial harmony, correcting imperfections such as asymmetry.

Facial harmonization involves a detailed study of the face to identify areas for improvement. Furthermore, it covers the definition of aesthetic treatments that will bring the results you are looking for.


Among the main treatments, the use of botulinum toxin stands out, which temporarily paralyzes the muscles of the face, preventing the formation of wrinkles. It can also help correct asymmetries, open your eyes more, among other functions.

Another very common procedure is filling with hyaluronic acid, which can add volume, correct asymmetries and provide a lifting effect, depending on the site of application.

It is worth mentioning that these are just some of the aesthetic procedures for facial harmonization. Each case is individualized and may require other treatments.

5 apps to simulate facial harmonization

Now that you know what facial harmonization is, the time has come to find out applications that simulate this aesthetic treatment. See below the list we prepared with 5 unmissable free apps:

1. Face Warp

Apps para simular harmonização facial Facewarp
Image: Reproduction / Google Play Store

Are you looking for an application that simulates facial harmonization that is free and easy to use? Then Face Warp is a good choice! It allows you to edit face photos in different ways, whether professional or fun.

In the app, you can change the size of your mouth, nose and eyes, including the shape of your face, making the adjustments you want. This way, you can predict what that facial change you want to do will look like!

The application also has special functions, such as changing hair color. Therefore, it is ideal for you who want to transform your hair and don't know which shade is the best.

Face Warp is free, but contains ads, and is only available for smartphones running the operating system Android.

2. FaceApp

Apps para simular harmonização facial Faceapp
Image: Reproduction / Play Store

FaceApp is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) photo editing application. It quickly transforms images, using special filters that range from softening expression lines to altering facial features.

In addition, it has features such as changing hair color and style, makeup filters, light effects, colored eye lenses, temperature control and image saturation, and much more.

The application is available in paid and free versions. The difference between them is that the version in the range has limited features. Therefore, you may not be able to use some editing tools.

If you want to unlock all of FaceApp's functions, you will have to take out a monthly or annual subscription, which is more affordable. The application is available for devices with an operating system iOS It is Android.

3. Peachy

Image: Reproduction / Google Play Store

Peachy is an application that allows you to edit photos professionally, with complete practicality, from simple retouching to complex changes. Its difference lies in its functions, which allow it to completely remodel the face.

Among the main ones, highlighting wrinkles and spots, such as acne. There is also the function of softening expression and skin, correcting dark circles, among other details.

Specifically about facial harmonization, you can correct details of the facial structure, keeping the face more symmetrical, with volume or refinement in certain areas.

The application is free and available for smartphones with an operating system Android. However, it is worth mentioning that it has advertisements, but they do not interfere with the use of the app during edits. Photos.

4. Facetune

Apps para simular harmonização facial Facetune
Image: Reproduction / Google Play Store

If you're used to editing photos on your cell phone, you've probably heard about Facetune. It is one of the best-known image editing apps, highlighting the functions that allow you to correct small facial imperfections that bother you.

With Facetune, you can reshape your entire face, apply structure refinement effects and correct asymmetries. It is also possible to whiten teeth, remodel hair, among other additional functions.

If you prefer greater convenience in using the application, you can use standardized filters and effects. This way, you will be able to edit the image in a few seconds, without complications.

Facetune is a free app, but in this version it has limited functions and displays ads. Do you want to eliminate them and have access to all the resources? So, just invest in the paid version of the application. Ah, it is available for devices with system iOS It is Android.

5. AirBrush

Image: Reproduction / Google Play Store

The AirBrush app's unique feature is making subtle changes to photos, especially selfies. Therefore, the focus is on the face, which allows you to simulate changes that you would make in facial harmonization.

The good news is that it is a free 100% app, with uncomplicated use. If you don't want to apply manual changes, you can use specific filters that reshape the face, helping to simulate the result you're looking for.

Every month, AirBrush receives new filters. However, they are not always released for free at the first moment. If you are interested in using them, you will have to invest in the app's paid plan.

Do you want to take the opportunity to download the application on your cell phone? You can download AirBrush on mobile devices running the operating system Android It is iOS.

Did you like the apps to simulate facial harmonization?

If you want to take advantage of apps to simulate facial harmonization, don't waste time and download your favorite! With the app, you will have an idea of what the outcome of the procedures will be, making a safer decision for treatment.

And don't forget to choose a qualified professional to do your facial harmonization! Only in this way can you guarantee greater safety and peace of mind when carrying out the procedures, achieving the best possible result.

Photo of author

Camila Moreira

Graduated in Literature. Content analyst. Editor. Reviewer. Creative. Passionate about series. Possibly the most organized person you will ever meet.

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