Arquivos Dicas - Chiquedemaiss


Learn New Languages with Makesyoufluent

Aprenda Novos Idiomas com Makesyoufluent

Você quer aprender um novo idioma, mas não tem tempo para ficar investindo em seus estudos de uma nova língua? Deseja adicionar um novo idioma no seu currículo, mas não sabe por onde começar? Então você precisa conhecer o Makesyoufluent. A plataforma Makesyoufluent, nasceu da ideia que você pode praticar o seu segundo idioma a … Keep reading…

How to check the FGTS on your cell phone?

Como consultar o FGTS pelo celular

The Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS) is a fundamental right of workers, also provided for in the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT). To access the values, employed citizens can learn how to consult the FGTS on their cell phone and gain more control over their professional life. In general, this fund is managed by Caixa … Keep reading…

How to get a birth certificate online?

Como tirar certidão de nascimento online?

The birth certificate is one of the most important documents of any citizen. This is because it contains all the main information about the individual when there is no Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF) or General Registry (RG) yet. However, how to issue a birth certificate online? Due to its importance, this document needs to be presented in… Keep reading…

See your location history on your phone in minutes

Veja seu histórico de localização no celular em minutos

Imagine with us that you went to a really cool restaurant on your trip and, when you needed to go to the same place again, you forgot the name and where this restaurant is? Pretty frustrating, isn't it? To prevent this from happening to you, how about learning how to view your cell phone location history? With … Keep reading…

Discover the 4 best tools for comparing cell phones

Conheça as 4 melhores ferramentas para comparar celulares

Buying a new cell phone is something we do almost all the time. Whether it's to make videos, talk to customers or just play, it's always a good idea to change models so that it meets our expectations. One way to do this is by using tools to compare cell phones. These tools are great for those who are… Keep reading…

Shade Gardening: Plants for Low-Light Places

plantas para locais com pouca luz

Growing plants for places with low light is the option for people who dream of having large windows in their home, to be filled with sunlight. Having a beautiful garden at home with various types of plants is the desire of all nature lovers. But we know that not everyone is privileged… Keep reading…

Organic Gardening Guide at Home

jardinagem orgânica

The organic gardening guide is for everyone who wants to create a beautiful and colorful garden at home. But, do you know what organic gardening is? In a very simple way, it is one in which you produce without the use of chemical substances. Many beginners don't know how to get started in organic gardening. Per … Keep reading…

Growing fruit in pots

frutas em vasos

Are you also one of those people who have questions about how to grow fruit in pots? Or have you ever wondered what are the best fruits to grow in pots? Here are some of them: tropical fruit farming, pineapple farming, apple farming, strawberry farming, blackberry farming and watermelon farming. Growing fruit in a pot… Keep reading…

Tips to keep your Windows machine virus-free

capa manter Windows livre vírus

Nowadays, we depend on computers for basic tasks, such as working and studying. Therefore, keeping your Windows operating system virus-free is essential. After all, how can we carry out our online activities if the PC is infected and has malfunctions? There are many types of digital threats, and protecting yourself from them all can seem complicated. You … Keep reading…