Ler Mensagens do WhatsApp sem Visualizá-las

Read WhatsApp Messages without Viewing Them

Discover how you can read WhatsApp messages without viewing them. Check out!


If you are part of the team that wants to read WhatsApp messages without being caught by the infamous “blue check”, pay attention: this text is for you! Since 2014, this indicator has caused minor “fights” between friends, couples and even in the professional environment.

Nobody likes being ratted out, right? But relax, there is a way to circumvent the system.


How to Read Messages and Stay Under the Radar

There are several strategies to avoid being caught off guard by the reading confirmation on WhatsApp. Come on, take the pad and write it down:

Turn off Read Receipt

This is the official way, guys. Go to your app settings, choose “Account”, then “Privacy” and uncheck the “read confirmation” option. This tip is valid for both Android and iOS. But be careful: you are also left in the dark and won't know when your messages are read.


Activate Airplane Mode

This tip is good, you know? Put your phone in Airplane Mode and read your messages at ease. The app goes offline and you become “invisible”. Just don't forget to deactivate it later, huh?

Disconnect from the Internet

Another solution is to disconnect Wi-Fi and mobile data. This way, you can read messages without being detected by the dreaded “blue check”. On Android, just drag the notification bar and turn it off. On the iPhone, go to “Settings” and do the same.

Use the Widget on the Home Screen

For those who don't want to be without the internet, an alternative is to add the WhatsApp widget to the home screen. You can read texts and emojis, but videos and images are a problem.

The Notification Bar is your Friend

And last but not least: use the notifications bar. You can read the message without opening the app, keeping your activity secret.

Now that you are equipped with practical and effective strategies, reading WhatsApp messages without viewing them is no longer a magic trick but a skill within your reach.

These techniques not only offer greater freedom, but also put you in control of your own digital privacy. Want to delve deeper into the subject?

I also recommend reading this detailed article from TechTudo which covers other important aspects about reading confirmation in the WhatsApp app. With information and the right tools, you are always one step ahead. Stay informed and control your own narrative in the digital world!

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Pedro Bala

I am a senior writer with almost 30 years of experience in radio journalism departments, advertising production studios, news portals and various blogs. Currently, I am content director at Job Holding, CEO of the Bolha Crypto portal, screenwriter at Invicto Solar and host of the Bolha Crypto Drops podcast on Spotify.

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